How to Know If Someone is Flirting with You on Chatlines?

Guy Flirting with Her on Phone Chatline

Is the person being too friendly on the first phone call? Does the guy pass you flirty compliments during conversation and you keep wondering “Is he trying to flirt or simply becoming over-nice with me?” If his behavior on a phone dating line leaves you wondering about his intention, this is the best place to find out the answer. Today it is important to shed light on noticeable signs of flirting especially when dating using one of the free trial phone chat line numbers.

Having an idea about such signs will help women dating on the phone to navigate their feelings. Decoding his romantic interests and intentions might confuse you in case you have a crush on the guy. Some men might try to grab your attention. Whatever the case may be, if you are a woman who is not able to figure out the hidden meaning of his signals, this is the place for you. No wonder there are many tips to keep relationships alive on chatlines, having flirting signs in place has its significance.

15 Tell-tale Flirting Signs by Men at Chat Lines

It takes time and effort to learn the art of reading a guy’s behavior on a chat and date line. If you know signs of flirting by men, it will be easy for you to find out his intentions. Following are some of the indicators that will give you an idea of whether or not the man on the local chat line is flirting with you or not:

I. He Makes an Effort to Speak with You

Every one of us pretends to be “busy” all the time and have no time for people or things that don’t captivate our interest.

a) It may not always be convenient for a guy to have a lengthy conversation with you.

b) However, if he makes an effort to strike up a brief conversation whenever he can. This indicates his interest in you. The guy is using this trick to flirt with you.

c) During the conversation on the call, he’ll manifest some clues such as a smile when talking, and many more.

d) If he gives prominent responses and the flirty conversation between the two of you keeps going, that shows he is interested in you.

II. The Guy is Curious About Your Romantic Situation

  • If he isn’t even slightly interested in possibly being your boyfriend, why would he even want to find out if you have one? It’s his obvious manner of expressing his interest in you.
  • He wouldn’t be flirting with you if he didn’t care about who you were dating or weren’t.

III. He Avoids Discussing the Other Women in Your Vicinity

A guy you met during an adult phone chat is simply being friendly and isn’t interested in you romantically and won’t mind talking about other women. This is true if he’s into you or dating when you’re conversing. How could he? What harm could there possibly be when you two are unlikely to ever get together? However, if he avoids mentioning other women to you that means that he’s flirting with you.

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IV. He Always Makes Fun of You in a Loving Way

Men have continued the playground pastime of making fun of girls they adore well into adulthood. Although it is a little irritating, you can see that he isn’t trying to be harsh about it because it lacks any bite. It’s healthy to be able to make fun of yourself and your partner, so this can be a positive indicator.

V. He Respects You Differently than Others

When you talk with him, have you ever noticed how he instantly loses his cool and becomes a nervous wreck? He probably won’t make a mistake in front of you because he is aware of your presence. Isn’t that adorable? He is flirting and doesn’t want her to know that he is short-tempered.

VI. The Man Occasionally Enjoys Adult Talks You

Having a partner who shares similar interests comes with many perks. When can talk or share anything and everything with an equal mindset partner?

  • During conversations did you notice ever that he loves erotic phone chats rather than causal talks? If so, he is trying to flirt and not saying it directly to you.
  • Whenever you share the story of any romantic movie with him, he shares his hidden feelings of enjoying as a couple. This kind of desire is sufficient for you to figure out that the man is flirting with you.

VII. He Frequently Asks You to Hang Out

After the first phone call, did you notice that the guy is more interested in meeting in the real world? There are times when we prioritize romantic connections, so we don’t spend a lot of time with people we aren’t dating or wanting to date. A guy is flirting with you if he asks you to hang out almost constantly and you spend a lot of your free time or weekends with him.

VIII. The Guy Gives You Compliments During Talking

A genuine compliment from someone can convey many things to the other person.

  • A man you met at one of the free chat line numbers compliment someone on the first interaction might be flirty.
  • Alternatively, this can also indicate that he is paying more attention because he likes you. This could be one of the clear signs of flirting with you.

Although he might not always be direct, if he is making an effort and paying attention to them, it is a sign that he is enjoying himself. This is usually believed that men don’t give compliments spontaneously. However, he is giving you; this shows he means every word during a conversation.

IX. The Body Language of the Guy on a Chatline Speaks Volume

You can tell a guy is into you and in flirting mode by figuring out in which mood he is talking to you. Body language even during phone dating is a key indicator of how someone thinks about you. There are non-verbal cues that might let you know if he’s flirting with you.

X. The Phone Dater Remembers Everything You have Shared

Men who are interested in you will remember the things you shared with them. If he can recall your first word on the call, that shows their interest and concern for what you have to say. He is likely flirting with you if he is repeating things back to you.

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XI. He Tries To Make You Laugh

Often, when you share similar interests, it makes it easier for you both to transition from the flirting stage to something more serious. And it’s easier to date someone who shares the same sense of humor.

XII. He Teases You during Conversations on Call

Teasing is one of the common signs he is flirting with you more than a friend. No matter whether they are teens or adults, guys have a habit of teasing a woman they’re interested in.

  • The teasing will not be spiteful, impolite, or hurt your feelings, but playful, lighthearted, and fun.
  • He might mock you about your favorite movie.
  • The guy may tease you about your favorite song, or playfully give you nicknames. They may do this because they want your attention and to bring about playful energy.

XIII. He Makes Time for You

If a man is making time and finding excuses to spend quality time on the phone with you, this shows he is flirting besides trying to find out the matching wavelength. So, even though you are aware that he is extremely busy in their life and still taking time to talk that is a green flag for your bonding. There is probability that the guy wants to be more than just a friend. So, he trying to figure out if you want to flirt or simply have different dating goals on one of the reliable chatlines with free trial minutes.

XIV. The Phone Dating Guy Avoids Other Work When Talking

Being flirty with others has its own set of advantages. If you have joined any local phone dating lines in search of a partner with whom you can flirt, he is your cup of tea now. Did you notice that the guy talks to you in a distraction-free environment so that he can feel every word you speak? Having this sense in place indicates that he parks all other work in the corner and talks in a flirty manner and enjoys himself with you.

XV. A Guy Recalls Every Little Detail of a Greeting Message

In case you have mentioned connecting with someone who can enjoy flirty conversation but no adult talks, does he remember this? If so, remember he’s a keeper! Every day thousands of single men and women love to dial free phone chatline numbers and make the best use of trial minutes offered. If in such a vast number of greeting messages, he can remember every single detail about you that’s mentioned, that’s great!

The Bottom Line

Many hot and sexy women are interested in phone flirting with men. Knowing the signs of flirting will help in decoding the benefits of free trial phone dating numbers to flirt with guys with similar interests. Just keep in mind flirting signs by guys and reap the benefits of free chat lines with the trial minutes option.